
Beyond management: maximize the potential of your customer interactions through analysis

Learn why it's crucial to analyze customer interactions beyond just processing them.
Analytics meeting
3 min
  • Using customer data to understand behaviors and preferences.
  • Measuring customer satisfaction to assess the effectiveness of interactions.
  • Analysis of customer feedback to identify areas in need of improvement.
  • Making decisions informed by analytical data to improve customer interactions.

Imagine a business that receives hundreds of customer inquiries every day. Without thorough analysis, these interactions are just tasks that need to be completed. However, by analyzing them, they become treasures of strategic information. In this article, we explore why it is crucial to go beyond dealing with customer interactions and to analyze them.

The importance of analysing customer interactions

Managing customer interactions via Fullwhere generates an astronomical amount of data. This data is becoming a valuable source of information for organizational and decision-making teams. Analysis makes it possible to transform these interactions into actionable insights.

Measuring team performance

Analyzing customer interactions makes it possible to measure the performance of teams accurately:

  • Responsiveness time : Evaluate how quickly teams respond to customer requests.
  • Delay and resolution rate : Measure the effectiveness of teams in solving problems.
  • Interactions solved by AI and by humans : Understand the division of tasks between AI and human agents.
  • Recurring issues : Identify the topics or problems that take the longest to solve.

This analysis helps organize and optimize resources, allowing teams to respond more effectively and strategically.

Understanding customer expectations

Analyzing customer interactions reveals crucial information about customer expectations and behaviors:

  • Common contact topics : What are the topics that customers contact most often about?
  • Feedback on products and services : What are customers saying about existing and future products and services?
  • Friction points : What are the common obstacles that prevent sales?

By better understanding these aspects, businesses can adapt their offerings and services to better meet customer needs.

Making informed decisions

Analyzing customer interactions provides decision-making teams with critical information to make the best decisions:

  • Product improvement : Adapt products according to customer expectations.
  • Optimizing processes : Improve internal processes based on measured performance.
  • Customer service strategies : Develop more effective and personalized customer service strategies.

Case study: How Fullwhere revolutionized the customer experience at Dentego

Thanks to accurate insights, Dentego was able to improve its services and adjust its internal processes, thus increasing patient satisfaction significantly.

Presentation of Dentego

At Chemtov, sneakers are much more than accessories — they are a true mode of expression. Founded in 2007 by Yaniv Chemtov, the brand was born from his intense passion for these cult objects steeped in history. Chemtov turns sneakers into a unique way of personal expression, combining style, comfort and innovation. Guided by a deep passion for sneakers, innovation, quality and authenticity, each Chemtov pair tells a story and celebrates the individuality and passion of the person who wears them.

The Challenges of Dentego

  1. Centralized interaction management : Customer interactions were scattered across various platforms such as Google, satisfaction surveys and contact forms.
  2. E-reputation : Maintaining a good online reputation was crucial to attracting new patients and retaining existing ones.
  3. Automating returns : With a high volume of interactions, automating responses was needed to improve efficiency.
  4. Systems integration : Dentego used Salesforce as the main CRM and needed a smooth integration for optimal data management.

Solutions provided by Fullwhere

  1. Centralization of interactions : Fullwhere has integrated all interaction channels into a single platform, offering a clear and structured overview.
  2. Advanced analysis : Fullwhere's AI analyzed feedback and interactions in real time, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  3. Automation : Over 90% of patient feedback has been automated using AI, reducing response time and improving customer satisfaction.
  4. Salesforce integration : The interactions collected were directly synchronized with Salesforce, allowing simplified and efficient management.

Achieved results

  • Increase in positive reviews : The systematic solicitation of patients after each appointment has significantly increased the number of positive reviews on Google and other platforms.
  • Improving customer satisfaction : The insights provided by Fullwhere allowed Dentego to adjust its internal processes and improve its services, thus increasing customer satisfaction significantly.

By using Fullwhere, Dentego was able not only to optimize the management of its patient interactions, but also to transform these interactions into real growth drivers for its business, both online and in its physical centers.


Going beyond simply processing customer interactions and focusing on analyzing them is crucial for any business that wants to remain competitive and customer-centric. Fullwhere offers a powerful solution to centralize, process, and analyze these interactions, providing valuable insights that help make informed decisions and continuously improve the customer experience.

Discover how Fullwhere can transform the management of your customer interactions by offering you detailed analyses and strategic recommendations. Try Fullwhere today!

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